Thursday, 28 March 2013

WE GOT THE RIGHT TO BE RICH!! I would start today's topic by saying that the rich around us today don't have two heads.They only did what majority wouldn't like to do to acquire riches. Whatever may be said in praise of poverty,the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really or successful life unless one is rich. No one can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with. A person develops in mind,soul,body by making use of things, and society is so organised that we must have money in order to become the possessors of things.Therefore, the basis of all advancement must be the science of getting rich. The person who owns all he wants for the living of all the life is capable of living rich,and no person who has not plenty of money can have all he wants.Life has advanced so far and become so complex that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness.Every person naturally wants to become all that they are capable of becoming.This desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature;we cannot help wanting to be all we can be.Success in life is becoming what you want to be.You can become what you want to be only by making use of things,and you can have the free use of things only as you become rich enough to buy them.To understand the science of getting rich is therefore the most essential of all knowledge. To get rich,every individual on earth must be ready to take risk.It is important we get ready to break every limitations.Limitations kill our will to want to achieve success.We must continually say to ourselves, I CAN DO IT!!. We can be successful and get the whole riches we want in life if we believe we can do it amidst the obstacles along the way.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

IT IS JUST A BEND, AND NOT THE END.. It is usually said that it is not about the number of times you fall, but it is about the number of times you get up on your feet again. The journey of success would never be a smooth one.It is a must for us to go through downs that would always want us to give up and that is the bend i would be hammering on later as i would be talking much on it.I would be starting today's topic with a story: One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a stepup. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! MORAL : Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. The donkey inhere realized that he still has so much to achieve and that is why he never gave. Dont ever allow anyone to talk you down that you can't! Whisper it daily that you can and with just a few more steps, you would get to that destination. Situations of life are just BENDS but the real END is we achieving a worthwhile success at the end.I just hope i have empowered you yet again this morning. EMAIL:

IT IS JUST A BEND, AND NOT THE END.. It is usually said that it is not about the number of times you fall, but it is about the number of times you get up on your feet again. The journey of success would never be a smooth one.It is a must for us to go through downs that would always want us to give up and that is the bend i would be hammering on later as i would be talking much on it.I would be starting today's topic with a story: One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a stepup. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! MORAL : Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. The donkey inhere realized that he still has so much to achieve and that is why he never gave. Dont ever allow anyone to talk you down that you can't! Whisper it daily that you can and with just a few more steps, you would get to that destination. Situations of life are just BENDS but the real END is we achieving a worthwhile success at the end.I just hope i have empowered you yet again this morning. EMAIL:

Monday, 25 March 2013

YOUR THOUGHTS, SHOULD HAVE A CLEAR LINK TO YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE(PART 2). Those who are not prepared for the apprehension of a great purpose,should fix the thoughts upon the faultless performance of their duty, no matter how insignificant their task may appear.Only in this way can the thoughts be gathered and focused, and resolution and energy be developed.Once this is done, there is nothing which may not be accomplished. The weakest soul knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth--that strength can only be developed by effort and practice--will,thus believing, at once begin to exert itself.And, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop and will at last grow divinely strong. As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking. To put away aimlessness and weakness and to begin to think with pusose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to success attainment.Who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully. Having conceived of his purpose, a man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor left. Doubts and fears should be rigorously excluded.They are disintegrating elements which break up the straight line of effort,rendering it crooked,ineffectual and useless.Thoughts of doubt and fear can never accomplish anything.They always lead to failure.Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in. The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do.Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge, and he who encourages them, who does not slay them, thwarts himself at every step. He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure. His every thought is allied with power, and all difficulties are bravely met and overcome.His purposes are seasonably planted, and they bloom and bring forth fruit that does not fall prematurely to the ground. Thought allied fearlessly to purpose becomes a creative force that a drive an individual to want to succeed.He who knows this is ready to become something higher and stronger than a bundle of wavering thoughts and fluctuating sensations. He who does this has become the conscious and intelligent wielder of his mental powers. I just hope i have empowered you again. You can reach me with +2348020301519

Thursday, 21 March 2013

YOURS THOUGHTS, SHOULD HAVE A CLEAR LINK TO YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE Until your thoughts are linked with your purpose,there would be no intelligent accomplishment.With the majority the bark of thought is allowed to "drift" upon the ocean of life.Aimlessness is a vice,and such drifting must not continue for him who would steer clear of castastrophe and destruction. They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries,fears,troubles, and self-pityings, all of which are clear indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as delebrately planned sins(though by a different route),to failure,unhappyness,and loss,for weakness cannot persist in a power-evolving universe. A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart,and set out to accomplish it.He should make this purpose centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly object,according to his nature at the time being. Whichever it is,he should steadily focus his thought-forces upon the object he had set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty and should devote himself to its attainment,not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and imaginations. This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose--as he must until weakness is overcome--the strength of character gained will be the true measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph. I just hope i have empowered you again.Join me for the concluding edition later in the day. For enquiries you could call me on: +2348020301519 or email me @

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Friday, 15 March 2013

HERE IS THE 10 MOST CRITICAL JOB SKILLS THAT EMPLOYEES ARE LONGING FOR No.1 CRICTICAL THINKING Using deep logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.Employees would want someone who would get solutions through thinking in a short period of time. No. 2 COMPLEX PROBLEM SOLVING Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.Sincerely what would make every employee outstanding is when he or she has a perfect solution to a complex problem at every point of time. No. 3 JUDGEMENT AND DECISION-MAKING Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate ones.A real employee must be ready to take a postive judgement and stand on it.Moreso he taking decision is very important he makes him have control over his work and himself. No. 4 ACTIVE LISTENING Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate and not interrupting.Sincerely i would be saying quick to hear and being slow to take action would help intimes of doing the above we have mentioned. No. 5 COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, electronic equipment and computer hardware including applications and programs is the very important and that is majorly because we are in the computer age and every employee would want to employ a computer literate. No. 6 MATHEMATICS Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics and their application is very important.It helps the brain to make quick calculations at every single point of time. No. 7 OPERATIONS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Determining how a system or operation should work and how changes in conditions, operations and environments will affect outcomes. Understanding the needs and product requirements of a particular design. No. 8 MONITORING Monitoring and assessing performance of yourself, other individuals or organizations to make improvement or take corrective action. No. 9 PROGRAMMING Writing computer programming for various purposes. No. 10 SALES AND MARKETING Knowledge of principles and methodsfor showing, promoting and selling products or services. Includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques and sales control systems.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

20 THINGS EVERY WOMAN IN HER 20’s SHOULD KNOW: 1. Love and honour your mother. Learn from her mistakes. It will save you a lot of headache in yourthirties (30s) and beyond. 2. You are more talented than you'll ever know. You don't need to sleep with your Boss/ supervisor to get a promotion at work or better grades at school. Burn late night candles; put extratime to study and practice until you master your skill. Hard work still pays well and does not kill. 3. Women can build a strong support network. Don't let few ladies with "Pull Her Down" PHD} syndrome discourage you from cultivating true relationship with your female friends. 4. When a man you meet for the first time babbles about how much he earns working for an oil company and how rich he is, that is a red flag. He is either a marriedsmooth- talker who just wants to sleep with you or he is childish. Walk away from deceit. 5. Make your own money. Start small. Maintain a stable bank account. It will keep you out of trouble. 6. When you meet your Soul mate, don't forget to wear your most priceless ornament- submission and humility. But while waiting for him, don't cling to any man to rescue you. Some men these days are also seeking for who will rescue them. 7. Know your body. Look at yourself in front of a full-length mirror at least once a week, naked and after clothed. Know your body and how it works. 8. Life is a gift. But to revel in it, you must be ready to put a lot into nurturing your gifts/talents and skills. Start early. 9. Teenage ended at 19. Clocking 20 means doing away with childish behaviour. But it does notmean you should forget to have fun. You can catch fun and not be dirty. 10. Learn the basic skills and let yourself grow- from how to keep your underwear clean, cook, socialize, and network. Also learn how to how to drive a car. 11. Don't do drugs. It kills. Read books, it fortifies. Dance as often as you can, it liberates your spirit, soul and body. 12. Learn to laugh at yourself. It is a good way to build a healthy self-esteem. 13. Eat healthy. Learn to cook for yourself. Don't rely on noodles alone. The cooking skill will be useful in future. 14. Don't give up when you fail. Try again and again. Don't give upon education/ learning. 15. Fear of the future. It is a state of mind you must learn to tame. Don't let fear pull the carpet from under your feet. The Holy Bible tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 16. Let go of past hurts. You cannot move forward if you keep looking back. Holding on to bitter experiences and regrets will stale your future. 17. Learn to exhale, love deeply and be kind to others, especially those of low estate, and the lowest of low. 18. You are beautiful the way you are. Don't compare yourself to others. 19. Partnership builds bridges. Don't ever forget that. 20. Prayer is the master key. Have faith in God and always have the courage to use your voice wisely. ...Dream big today. Fear simply means: False Evidence Appearing Real. Enjoy the highs and lows that come with being in your 20s but don't be afraid to grow older. Livelife to the fullest and don't forget to smile always!

OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION-A COMPLETE SUCCESS STRATEGY(PART 2) I welcome you all to the complete edition of overcoming procrastination. To overcome procrastination,first,make a decision to start in immediately on your most important task each day.second,never allow an exception until the habit is firmly entrenched.Third,tell others that you are going to stop procrastinating in a particular area.Fourth,visualize and imagine yourself starting right in on a task and working at it non-stop until it is complete.Fifth,repeat over and over,"I majorly start work immediately everyday on my most important task" sixth,discipline yourself to persist everyday until it becomes automatic for you to start in immediately on your top task.And seventh,reward yourself each time you overcome procrastination and complete an important job.Even after,practice this process on any new habit you want to develop. Make new habit pattern development a regular part of your life.Always be working on the development of a new habit can help you.One new habit per month will amount to twelve new habits each year.sixty new life enhancing habit every five years.At the rate,your life would change so profoundly that you would become a whole new person in a very postitive way. I just hope i have empower you again as a youth today. THANK YOU

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

SIX THINGS U MUST NOT DO BEFOREYOU SLEEP TO REMAIN AN HEALTHY YOUTH. 1 - DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR WRIST WATCH. A Wrist Watch can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a longtime, it might have adverse effects on your health. 2 - DON'T SLEEP WITH BRA. Scientist in America have discovered those who wear bras for more dan 12hours have a high risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it. 3 - DON'T SLEEP WITH PHONE. Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phones and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first. 4 - DON'T SLEEP WITH MAKE - UP. People who sleep with make-up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make-up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep. Another important point is: 5- DONT SLEEP WITH YOUR PANTS ON- To get fresh and odourless in your private arenas, you are to go to bed pant-less for free access of fresh breeze 6 - DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR EAR PHONES Sleeping with earphones is extremely bad.Apart from the fact that it is extremely dangerous to our ear drums,it is a bad habit we should be doing away with because it isn't good for our health.i hope i have empowered you guys as a youth again today.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION-A COMPLETE SUCCESS STRATEGY(PART 1) My first question is, What is procrastination?? Procrastination is the laying off of a plan till a further date as a result of we thinking we don't have the necessary things we need to do it at that moment.The back breaker of procrastination is that makes us eventually not carrying out our plans. Procrastination is a problem that bothers almost everyone.Learning to overcome it is an excercise that will pay off for you all your life.To overcome procrastination,you carry out this seven steps 1. FIRST,MAKE A DECISION Decide clearly that you are going to begin acting in a specific way 100% of the time.Whenever that that behaviour is required.For example,if you decide to arise early to do an important thing,set your clock for that specific time,and when the alarm goes off.Immediate get up,do the necessary exercise and begin your work 2.NEVER ALLOW AN EXCEPTION To your new habit pattern during the formative stages.Don't make excuses or rationalizations.Don't let yourself off the hook.If you resolve to get up at 6:00am each morning,discipline yourself to get up at 6am,every single morning until it becomes a part of you 3.TELL OTHERS You should be telling other that you are going to begin practicing a particular behaviour.It is amazing how much more disciplined and determined you will become when you know that others are watching you to see if you have the willpower to follow through on your resolution. 4. VISUALIZE YOURSELF Visualize yourself Performing or behaving in a particular way in a particular situation.The more often you visualize and imagine yourself acting as if you already had the new habit,the more rapidly this new behavior will be accepted by your subconscious mind and become automatic. 5. CREATE AN AFFIRMATION Creat an affirmation that you repeat over and over to yourself.This repeatition dramatically increases the speed at which you develop the ne w habit.For example,you can say something like,"i want to make it before the end of the year!"Repeat these words the last thing before you fall asleep.In most cases,you will automatically find means to achieve it,and soon you would see yourself trying to do it. 6.RESOLVE TO PERSIST Resolve to persist in the new hehaviour until it is so automatic and easy that you actually uncomfortable when you do not do what you have decided to do. 7.GIVE YOURSELF A REWARD Give yourself a reward of some kind for practicing in the new behaviour.Each time you reward yourself,you reaffirm and reinforce the behavior.Soon you begin to associate,at an unconscious level,the pleasure of the reward with the behavior.You set up your own force field of postive consequences that you unconsciously look forward to as the result of engaging in the behavior or habit that you have decided upon. The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs, but if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perserverance, a driver called God will help you make it to a place called Success. EMPOWER YOURSELF AS A YOUTH.

Monday, 11 March 2013

1 IMPORTANT KEY POINTS IN WRITING A GOOD CV THAT WOULD GET YOU, YOUR DREAM JOB.. Lets talk about CV writing and how to market yourself proper. Have you ever looked at two companies offering the same product always?? come up with new marketing strategies, advertisements and promotions all with the aim of getting new clients and getting more market share. Well your CV, just like a product needs to compete with the thousands of other people sending in their documents. The job market is tough and it’s getting tougher. Your CV is your No. 1 marketing tool and it may not be doing its job and that is getting you an interview. 1.) Time: One reason may be a lack of time. With the increased competition for jobs and more applicants, employers do not spend a lot of time reading any one CV. I must admit, a CV gets about 20 to 30 seconds of time for someone to read through and as I explain to most people. If a CV doesn't appeal, then am definitely not going further. Right? If I have to scramble to get information, then am not going to bother. That’s not much time to score. In fact, most applications will get quickly screened out and dumped on the reject pile. 2.) Interest: Another reason? Lack of interest. Most CVs today lack a sense of urgency. They don’t answer the all-important question: “What’s in it for the employer?” what are you providing to the company. You must offer something to get a job and employers are selfish. Here is a thing you need to power up your CV for today’s more competitive job search arena to overcome these dilemmas: FOCUSED OBJECTIVE: Does your CV have a clear, focused objective? Does it identify one clear job title that you are seeking? Leave out all that nonsense about “challenging opportunity with a dynamic company.” Remember, it’s not about you. It’s more about what you can offer. For example “my goal is to secure a position where i can offer world class administrative support within a……..” I am hoping that you get my drift and the gist of all this. Keyword section: Everyone pays lip service to this, but few act on it. If you don’t, you’re missing the boat in two major ways: To strengthen your odds, you need every potential keyword working for you. And not just your skill sets, either. Make sure to add all your industry buzzwords as well as your biggest soft skills. Did you know that some of the highest searched keywords today include terms we often overlook? These include “problem-solvin­g,” “leadership” and “oral and written communication.” ­ You must appeal to the person who reads your CV. A reader will scan a great keyword summary section within the first 20 seconds of looking at your CV. When added to your personal branding statement below, you increase your chances of hooking this reader and getting a closer look. Personal branding statement. It doesn't matter whether you’re a CFO, a software project manager or a wedding photographer. Answer this question: “What is it that makes you unique,compared with other applicants?”Don’t think that just having great skill sets or years of experience is going to give you any edge. Lots of other candidates have skills the same as or better than you. The solution is to create a brand for yourself. You may even add professional to the profile, but that is if you have more than 3 years experience. So how do you create your own brand? Review your CV. Does it have a clear statement that describes who you are and what you offer? This is called a “branding statement” and may be described as a “value added” or “unique selling proposition.” A true branding statement is a one-sentence description of who you are and what critical benefit you offer your next employer. It should describe your biggest strength and the resulting benefit to your previous employer. The best branding statements usually incorporate figures or percentages of money, or time that was gained or saved over a certain period of time. Here is an example for that CFO: “A Seasoned Chief Financial Officer strong in optimizing organizations to achieve maximum growth and market share who has produced new revenues or savings of more than $65 million for my employers over the past eight years.” Does your CV have a branding statement this strong? If not, think about adding one. It will take some time to develop your ideal statement. Once done, however, you will break that 20-second barrier and move that much farther ahead of your competitors. I just hope i have empowered you again.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

THE MULTIPLE WAYS OF OVERPOWERING THE FAILURE TAG AT EVERY POINT OF OUR LIVES..(PART 2) I welcome you all to the concluding edition of this post.A failure, i would be saying is a person who is easily LURED by his unbelieve,to FAIL. I would be coming pouring out the easiest ways to overcome failure in the next few minutes 1. BE EXPECTANT OF MISTAKES:Life's hard knocks are as common as life's success knocks.Expecting success at every point of time would only be a day's dream.failure or failing helps to create balance in our lifes and presents unto us an opportunity for personnal growth.The originator of light today Micheal Faraday tried making a difference several times and later got it right because he never saw himself as a failure.Accepting the inevitability that things wont always go our way is an important part of becoming better and trusted.Trying and failing is a much better teacher of what it means to be human than never trying and never succeeding. 2. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: A writer once said that not believing in ourselves means we are gradually attracting failure.Failures serve as a proof of this greatest fear,causing us to want to withdraw and not try again for fear of being further exposed as inadequate and incapable. The real difference between people who become successful and people who overcome failure and those who do not comes down to how to manage failure and is how they deal with its impact on them.Give yourself the go ahead to keep on trying. 3. STOP WORRYING,START LAUGHING:Worrying at every point of time makes our situation much more difficult at every point of our lives.We should forget our worries,keep a smiling face and look for ways to solve the problem the best possible way. 4. REMAIN CALM:Calmness matters in every aspect of our lives.It is so bad when guys get depressed and sad when they fail in an area of life.We should just be calm and look for ways of solving all our problems in the best way. 5. RENEW WHAT YOUR FAILURE HAS TAUGHT YOU:I have come to know that for every journey of success,we tend to fail at a point of time but that shouldn't be getting us sad but we should be learning something that would be helpful to us when we give a try to where we have failed at that point. 6. STAY IN THE PRESENT: Fear of failure is a future projection of worry.Author "Leo Babauta" suggests that the response needed here is to "just do it,now,in the moment.....bring yourself back in the moment and focus on what you are doing at this remaining in the present,you stay focus.Failure would keep you down if you continue to fear it. 7. CONQUER YOUR FEAR: Conquering fears requires more than just courage.To me, telling someone to use courage to overcome fear is like telling a fat person to "stop eating so much".guys conquering our fears is a step by step thing that would requires our courage,self believe and dedication to achieve success.I just hope by now Failing wouldn't be a thing to fear again.Thanks for joining me again today,see you again tomorrow guys as we empower ourselves as a YOUTH Again..

THE MULTIPLE WAYS OF OVERPOWERING THE FAILURE TAG AT EVERY POINT OF OUR LIVES..(PART 2) I welcome you all to the concluding edition of this post.A failure, i would be saying is a person who is easily LURED by his unbelieve,to FAIL. I would be coming pouring out the easiest ways to overcome failure in the next few minutes 1. BE EXPECTANT OF MISTAKES:Life's hard knocks are as common as life's success knocks.Expecting success at every point of time would only be a day's dream.failure or failing helps to create balance in our lifes and presents unto us an opportunity for personnal growth.The originator of light today Micheal Faraday tried making a difference several times and later got it right because he never saw himself as a failure.Accepting the inevitability that things wont always go our way is an important part of becoming better and trusted.Trying and failing is a much better teacher of what it means to be human than never trying and never succeeding. 2. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: A writer once said that not believing in ourselves means we are gradually attracting failure.Failures serve as a proof of this greatest fear,causing us to want to withdraw and not try again for fear of being further exposed as inadequate and incapable. The real difference between people who become successful and people who overcome failure and those who do not comes down to how to manage failure and is how they deal with its impact on them.Give yourself the go ahead to keep on trying. 3. STOP WORRYING,START LAUGHING:Worrying at every point of time makes our situation much more difficult at every point of our lives.We should forget our worries,keep a smiling face and look for ways to solve the problem the best possible way. 4. REMAIN CALM:Calmness matters in every aspect of our lives.It is so bad when guys get depressed and sad when they fail in an area of life.We should just be calm and look for ways of solving all our problems in the best way. 5. RENEW WHAT YOUR FAILURE HAS TAUGHT YOU:I have come to know that for every journey of success,we tend to fail at a point of time but that shouldn't be getting us sad but we should be learning something that would be helpful to us when we give a try to where we have failed at that point. 6. STAY IN THE PRESENT: Fear of failure is a future projection of worry.Author "Leo Babauta" suggests that the response needed here is to "just do it,now,in the moment.....bring yourself back in the moment and focus on what you are doing at this remaining in the present,you stay focus.Failure would keep you down if you continue to fear it. 7. CONQUER YOUR FEAR: Conquering fears requires more than just courage.To me, telling someone to use courage to overcome fear is like telling a fat person to "stop eating so much".guys conquering our fears is a step by step thing that would requires our courage,self believe and dedication to achieve success.I just hope by now Failing wouldn't be a thing to fear again.Thanks for joining me again today,see you again tomorrow guys as we empower ourselves as a YOUTH Again..

Saturday, 9 March 2013

THE MULTIPLE WAYS OF OVERPOWERING THE FAILURE TAG AT EVERY POINT OF LIVES..(part 1) In today's world many people tend to fail majorly because they never tend to believe in themselves.Moreso many tend to fail majorly because they never get to see themselves make an impact in life or in their generation. I would be starting today's topic with the defination of,"who is a failure??".My friends,who is a failure??A simple defination of a failure is a person who fails.A person who fails is a person who never get to try again.He or she completely throw in the towel.A person becomes a failure when he or she fails to try again.We must continue to try until we get it right and in that way we are going to suppress failure and embrace success. "Failures are a part of life. If you don't fail, you will never learn. If you never learn, you will never change." Failing opens more opportunities to us to gain more experience.The more we fail the better we become in achieving a goal,but that is if we dont fail to try again.The most beautiful of pictures are developed and brought to life in rooms filled with complete darkness. This is a great analogy for failure, because often times it may seem very dark, and it may seem as though we will never be able to make it into the light, or good times, but if we just believe in ourselves, we can help the beautiful picture of our lives become a developed picture. Each new day greets you with no rules except the ones you place on it. So greet it with open arms and positive thoughts. Let the possibilities inspire you and keep you going. Others may call you an idealist or naive or some other belittling title, ignore them. Life is not about what you could do, it’s about what you will do. 'Your life has unlimited possibilities.' ­ Choose to find these possibilities in everything that comes your way, and no problem will ever be able to conquer you. Many people tend to have failures throughout their lives,yet they were able to overcome them with fortitude and tenacity.join me for the complete edition later in the afternoon.Empower yourself as a youth daily inhere.

Friday, 8 March 2013

PAY THE PRICE TO GET THE PRIZE AT ALL COST..(PART 2) I welcome you all again to another lovely day.hope you all had a great time with yesterday's topic?? I just hope it would help you guys get to the top.I would continue with the topic today and i hope as i would be talking,you guys would be putting it into practice. 4. MOTIVATION:Motivation drives towards a goals,what keeps you going when things are tough is the self built motivation.To achieve your goal,you must be ready to face the two types of motivation which is positive or negative motivation.What is negative motivation??it is a motivation that you ain't satisfied with but would be putting you under pressure to achieve a goal.EXAMPLE:You having your boss threatening to fire you is a negative motivation-you'll likely want to work harder to complete a project quickly due to pressure. What is positive motivation??positive motivation is when you motivate yourself to really want to do something-if it's someting you really want to do,you'll do a much better job than to avoid it. So motivation in its best form,is a way for you to want to do something.If a person has a reason to want to get up early he or she would jump up with excitement.The best motivation then is a way for you to really want to do something. 5. DETERMINATION:Such a question should always be ringing in your heart which are:1. what is at stake?? 2. Why exactly do i want to get the prize?? 3.What is at risk if i dont???.You should always lis these as bullet points under your price to pay.what is stake would make us stare up our energy to want to get the prize. 6.YOU MUST CULTIVATE A DESIRE TO DEVELOP A SKILL WORTHY TO ACHIEVE REALISTIC GOALS: If your goals are righteous,then go for then.When you set a goal and commit yourself to the necessary self discipline to reach that goal,you will elimate most of the problems in your life by focusing your eyes on achieving your goal.spend your energies doing those things that will make a difference.EMPOWER YOURSELF AS A YOUTH ...

Thursday, 7 March 2013

PAY THE PRICE TO GET THE PRIZE AT ALL COST.. I would be starting today's topic from the root.what is a "PRICE" and what is a "PRIZE"???? A price is the cost,value,worth of obtaining a benefit or achieving a goal(success).I would likewisely be saying the price paid intimes of success is the cost,value,pains gone through,determination,dedication,extra hard work we put into anything to achieve an eventual success. On the other hand a PRIZE is something that is given to a person for winning a competition or for doing some good work or i would better say a prise is something valued greatly.I would further be saying that the prize in the area of success is the things you would like to achieve or to get after paying the hard price.To get a NOBEL PRICE it requires great hardwork.often times,the winners are people who have not completed their work toward peace,but who are at a critical juncture in their work There is a biking hill known as "CINCINNATI"it is known for its hills.You can't run,bike,hike or even walk very far in this city without encounting multiple inclines,some of which are steep!This makes marathon racing inthere so notorious! When running a race to get the prize,we must know that there would be so many hills we would be seeing along the line so we should be prepared for that too. WHAT ARE THE PRICES TO PAY TO GET THE PRIZE 1. DELAYED GRATIFICATION:The ability to put off a satisfaction in a short term in order to enjoy greater reward in the future.what are these things a. Wanting the best things of life. b. Putting our wants before our needs.etc c.spending wrecklessly on unworthwhile things etc 2. LONG TERM THINKING:Willing to be successful people would go into the future then come back to the present and determine the things they have to do or not to do to achieve their desired future.The most important word in long term thinking is SACRIFICE and that is willing to give up so much to achieve our goal. 3. BE FOCUSED WHILE RUNNING THE RACE: Henry Ford said,"obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.Day in and day out we must find that motivation that is the price you must pay to become a great athlete that would eventually win the prize is to rise early,be ready to lose weight,be ready to complete a Triathlon,become a vegetarian etc.Then your eyes is fixed already on the price..

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

START THAT BUSINESS IDEA YOU HAVE CONCEIVE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE---A MILLION MILES JOURNEY STARTS WITH JUST A STEP I question myself most times and ask why so many people in the world are stranded???when i mean stranded is that they tend to not have the simple things of life like cloths,a minimum of two square meal,money to pay their bills etc We must know that procastination is not a thief of time but it is an assassinator of destiny.why should you leave what you could start today for tomorrow.We must know that every gatherable riches wouldn't be gathered in a is a step by step thing.80% of the people in the world would always say what i have to start this business is way to small and that is what they would be saying until they use up the money and the business idea they had would die. Guys starting with the little we have is a bold step of achieving success.we must endeavour to have a determining spirit backed up with a positive spirit that we would be succeeding in what we would be doing.The beginning unargueable might be rough but gradually we would see the light at the end of the tunnel.Having just a little to start a great business idea is better than having much to start any business.guys lets take a bold step of success by starting with what we have..Empower yourself as a youth..

10 THINGS TO BE DONE TO HAVE A GUARANTEED SUCCESS IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE 1) ATTITUDE With every thought we get, before every word spoken, before performing any action or decision, always check that we have the right attitude. Great leaders always understand that in leading people, there are certain things that can be taught while certain things can only be caught. What can be taught are strategies and methodologies while what can be caught is character and attitude. Methodologies answer the "how" questions while character answers the "why" questions. You see, great talent, skill and luck might bring us to the top but only great character and attitude can keep us there. By having a great selfless attitude, putting others first, having a positive and optimistic outlook about every situation, we will move into a realm that some call magical or supernatural. We begin to attract and experience greater success in our relationships because people can sense and feel that we are tangible sincere and authentic. And relationships account for most of our happiness. We want to have people we love, respect, trust and cherish in ourlives and we want them to love, respect, trust and cherish us in return. By having a great attitude, only can we begin to make that happen. "There are 2 ways to live life. One as though nothing is a miracle and two as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein. Begin cultivating a grateful and positive attitude today and checking that that is where all your words and actions will flow and birth from. 2) ACTION Having the right attitude gives birth to the right actions. Even without the right knowledge or skill to accomplish the task, having the right attitude gives us the clarityand wisdom to find the way. And that is perhaps one of the most important skill or actions anyone can learn - the ability to always find a way or the right person to show them the right action to take. 3) ATMOSPHERE With the right attitude and the right action to take, most people would think we are way on our way to success . And indeed, many people experience some measure of success by merely practicing the first 2 principles. However, it is the truly successful, those who want to be all that they can be who look also for the right TIMING. Having the right attitude and performing the right action must also be in the right atmosphere - or in the right place and the right time. Sometimes we have to wait for the right atmosphere or opportunity but sometimes we can create it. This requires a very special sensitivity to people and the surroundings that must be cultivated and begins by having the right attitude. 4. PLAN EVERYDAY IN ADVANCE Sincerely the major success tip is to plan everyday.we should jot down our activities we hope to achieve daily starting with the most important of all to the least important.Planning helps us to have a target to meet.we must ensure we practicalise all what we have planned daily. 5.RELY ON NO ONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF There isn't anything bad in accepting the ideas of other people but we must rely on ourselves having the bell of "i can do it"ringing in our brains at every point of time.we must know that we have what we need to succeed in us. 6.DO WHAT YOU ENJOY DOING NOT WHAT YOU FORCE YOURSELF TO DO sincerely majority tend to get it wrong inhere and that is majorly because they do jobs they ain't satisfied with.We must endeavour to do jobs that would get us pleased at every point of time because we doing what we dont to do can easily get us frustrated and make us lose focus. 7.BE POSITIVE EVEN WHEN IN THE WELL positivity has a lot to do in the journey of success.We shouldn't be giving up even when things ain't going right.our mind set at a positive state would give us the strength we need to go on.Being positive gives us the idea of solving problems easily instead of grumbling. 8.DO WHAT MAJORITY WOULDN'T WANT TO DO Doing what majority wouldn't want to do is another avenue to succeed.Majority would want to take their dessert before the meals which is wrong.we should practice what i call self gratification which is delaying our rest time or enjoyment time for the future. 9.HAVE A DESTINATION For every success attainment there must be a destination.Though the road may be rough but yet if we put in all our strength we would be getting there with time.we must know where we are coming from and know where we are going. 10.SAVE FOR THE RAINING DAY Saving our funds is very important intimes of being successful.we must endeavour to save so that we would have funds to spend when we retire in whatsoever business we may be doing. Thank you..

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

THE FINAL 5 THINGS YOU MUST DO OUT OF THE 10 THINGS YOU MUST DO BEFORE ATTAINING THE AGE OF 30 YEARS(CONCLUDING EDITION) I thank you all for joining me since in the morning.The other 5 things that must be done are: 6.BE ABLE TO PAY THE BILLS OF AT LEAST A PERSON:It would be funny but sincerely it is just the plain truth.Every willing to be father or mother must be able to pay the bills of at least a is about you getting an amount from the work you do to be feed you and another.A salient point i would want everyone to know is that any job we do that isn't able to cater for us isn't a good job and we should quit it to search for a better one.we must learn before we attain the age of 30 how to cater for at least a person because it would help us when we start to run our own families. 7.LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE: I would be blunt inhere by saying no one would be able to carry any RESPONSIBILITIES if he or she is not RESPONSIBLE.We must learn to take up responsibilities when the need arises at every point of time.We needeth not put any blame on anyone at any point but we should find out the positivity of every situation or any problem that would help us to quickly solve it.guys lets be responsible at every point of time. 8. HAVE QUALITY BOOKS THAT WOULD HELP YOU DEVELOP BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY:I Could remember that it was just a book that i read that changed my way of thinking.What i am saying is that we should learn to read diverse books because they would be going extra miles to help us think at every point of time.Books about careers,marriages,health,success etc would help us to develop our mental reasoning. 9.HAVE TABLE MANNERS: I got to know a successful person today that got to fail a final test of an exam just because he dipped the bread he was given into a stew.guys having table manner is extremely important because we never may know where we would be finding ourselves in the nearest guys we should always learn to be mannered when eating. 10. DRAW CLOSER TO GOD:We should or must know that without GOD there is no success in life that would be achieveable.we should learn to love GOD at every point of our lives because he got the easiest and fastest plan for us to achieve success.guys if we do this 10 THINGS,I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT SUCCESS IS GOING TO BE EXTREMELY EASY FOR US AS A YOUTH.EMPOWER YOURSELF WITH THIS STEPS AS A YOUTH ALWAYS.

Monday, 4 March 2013


              10 THINGS YOU MUST DO BEFORE YOU GET TO 30 YEARS OF AGE              

1.DISCOVER YOURSELF: When i say discover yourself,, many would be saying i would i be able to achieve that????  but let me tell you the truth until you discover yourself, you would no.t achieve what destiny have in stock for you.When i say discover yourself what i mean is that you should try to figure out what you are good at and what am i saying??Figure out what you can do with ease and be happy.You might see it as nothing but sincerely it could be an avenue for you to make money and help millions of people.remember people that are rich today took the advantage of what majority ignored. so my brother/sister discover your true potential today.
2.HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY: For every worthwhile success, we should know that it is being backed up with money even though, it is a little of it.It hurts when youths out there say there ain't jobs in their countries.There are millions of jobs that we could do out there.i would be hitting a point by saying that we shouldn't always wait for the government to provide us with jobs before we tend to move.There are many jobs or businesses that we could start that would help us make a daily pay.we shouldn't just jump into any business but we should only do a business that people are interested in getting the goods or services at any point of time.please sir or ma have an idea on how to make money.
3.KNOW HOW TO LOVE: It hurts to see  youths of  jumping from one lady to the other.I expect that anyone that is above 20 should be searching for a good husband or wife.i would be saying the plain truth and that is that there is a lady for every man and a man for every lady.We should learn to love just one and not share our love with millions of lady out there.sincerely many destiny has been taken away as a result of sleeping around.guys we should learn to stick to just a lady that would really help us in making it quickly.
4.LEARN TO SAVE: It hurts to see that so many youths of nowadays dont know how to save.what am i saying?Many finish their pay as soon as they get them.Majority of corpers would continue to be stranded after their service year since they never saved during their service year.guys we should learn to save at least 10% of every income we make at any point of time.It is not for now,but it is for the future use.guys lets learn to would so much help us when we start our own family.
5.DRESS DECENTLY: I see some so called graduates that dress anyhow leaving majority of their bodies opened.Guys as a graduate or willing to be graduates,we should dress decently.It is widely said that if you dress well you would be addressed well.guys dressing well is extremely important.
6.BE ABLE TO PAY THE BILLS OF AT LEAST A PERSON: It is kind of  funny but sincerely, it is just the plain truth.Every willing to be father or mother must be able to pay the bills of at least a is you catering for another.A salient  point i would want everyone to know is that any job we do that isn't able to cater for us isn't a good job and we should quit it and search for a better one.we must learn before we attain the age of 30 how to cater for at least a person because it would help us when we start to run our own families.
 7.LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE: I would be blunt inhere by saying," no one would be able to carry any RESPONSIBILITIES if he or she is not RESPONSIBLE".We must learn to take up responsibilities when the need arises at every point of time.We don't have to put any blame on anyone at any point  for our mistakes, but we should be positive in  every situation.guys lets be responsible at every point of time.
8. HAVE QUALITY BOOKS THAT WOULD HELP YOU DEVELOP BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY:I Could remember that it was just a book that i read that changed my way of thinking.What i am saying is that we should learn to read diverse books because they would be going extra miles to help us think at every point of time.Books about careers,marriages,health,success etc would help us to develop our mental reasoning and be better fellows in life.
9.HAVE TABLE MANNERS: I got to know a successful person today that got to fail a final test of an exam just because he dipped the bread he was given into a stew.guys having table manner is extremely important because we never may know where we would be finding ourselves in the nearest future.So guys we should always learn to be mannered when eating.
10. DRAW CLOSER TO GOD:We should or must know that without GOD, there is no success in life that would be attainable. We should learn to love GOD at every point of our lives because, he got the easiest and fastest plan for us to achieve success.guys if we do this 10 THINGS,I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT SUCCESS IS GOING TO BE EXTREMELY EASY FOR US AS A YOUTH.EMPOWER YOURSELF WITH THIS STEPS AS A YOUTH ALWAYS.

I have come to know that many people tend to fail majorly because they fail to apply the 3 Ds i would be mentioning below. 1. DETERMINATION: Determination isn't about looking at the starting point but it is about looking at the end means forgetting every obstacle that may tend to be on the way to attain success at all cost.A determined person would never grumble at the initial stage but would do everything to overcome his or her challenges to achieve his or her goal. 2. DEDICATION: To be dedicated means to be ready to give your all to attain success and what is the percentage,it should be 100% at every point of time.Dedication means ignoring all to achieve success at all cost. 3. DESTINATION: Destination is required in the journey of success.Every individual most have a final destine point when it comes to grabing the gament of success.It is widely said that an individual who knows his destination would get to the finish line at all cost.As youths we must put this three "Ds" into consideration at all point of time to attain success.

HOW THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE TREAT EVERYTHING--INCLUDING PROBLEMS--As An Asset (A Case Study)In a world of limited resources, the idea of “win-wins” doesn’t happen often. “Giving 110%” is just, well, “fuzzy math,” and as for “we have to push the envelope,” have you ever actually tried to push an envelope? It’s a lot like “pushing string” or “herding cats.”However, there is one much overused phrase we do think has merit: “There are no such things as problems; just opportunities.” Indeed that is the starting point for the business environment we now find ourselves.The world, which has always been unpredictable, is becoming increasingly more so. That means your odds of moving smoothly from A to B are going to steadily decrease over time, creating more and more situations that you simply could not anticipate. That means more problems—but more opportunities, if you view those challenges in a different way.The key is to focus on your goal and not on the plan that you initially drew up to get there.With this approach, your objective doesn’t change, but you accept the fact that how you may get there might. For anyone who has put together a five year plan or even an annual budget, this is going to require thinking differently, something which is never a walk in the park. But it can be done.To see how we need tobegin by taking a step back.In the world we grew up in, we were taught either to avoid the unexpected, or to overcome it. It was all about efficiency. Optimizing. Achieving the objective quickly with as few deviationsas possible. That’s understandable. Beforebeginning anything new we usually spend a lot of time trying to figure out what is going to happen (predicting) and once we get underway it is all about making that prediction a reality. So, not surprisingly, people get upset when something unexpected appears in their path and their reaction is the deviation from the plan needs to be eliminated or overcome ASAP.