Wednesday 17 April 2013

THE FASTEST KILLER OF CAREER SUCCESS IN LIFE IS, IMPATIENCE.I welcome you all again to another great day that i am praying would bring forth good tidings for us by the special grace of GOD.Sincerely what matters in life if we want to see each other succeeding is if we help ourselves to climb the ladder of success and how can that be done??it is by we, telling ourselves the truth.I would be blunt to say to you that one can never be getting a worthwhile success immediately you kick off anything you want to do in life.Everything in life has a stage and you just have to pass through that stage before you would be succeeding.Lets look at the life of a world known footballer today,"LIONEL MESSI", he never became the world best footballer in just a day.I read through his life story and saw that he once served tea to people.What tea have you served??? or let me better say, What sacrifice have you paid to be successful?? The more you put in much hard determination to succeed,the more you should be patient as you await the success door to open. One thing i know is that things might not be good at the start of a thing,but the more you put more hardwork and patience there is an 100% assurance that you would get it right someday.We should learn to be patient at every point of our lives and am sure that with time everything wouldn't just be alright,but would be great and would be in our favour.Stand upright and keep fighting the battle and am sure that someday you would be the world's greatest in that thing you are doing.Remember patience should always be your key word at every point of time.I just hope i have empowered you guys again

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