Monday, 4 March 2013


              10 THINGS YOU MUST DO BEFORE YOU GET TO 30 YEARS OF AGE              

1.DISCOVER YOURSELF: When i say discover yourself,, many would be saying i would i be able to achieve that????  but let me tell you the truth until you discover yourself, you would no.t achieve what destiny have in stock for you.When i say discover yourself what i mean is that you should try to figure out what you are good at and what am i saying??Figure out what you can do with ease and be happy.You might see it as nothing but sincerely it could be an avenue for you to make money and help millions of people.remember people that are rich today took the advantage of what majority ignored. so my brother/sister discover your true potential today.
2.HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY: For every worthwhile success, we should know that it is being backed up with money even though, it is a little of it.It hurts when youths out there say there ain't jobs in their countries.There are millions of jobs that we could do out there.i would be hitting a point by saying that we shouldn't always wait for the government to provide us with jobs before we tend to move.There are many jobs or businesses that we could start that would help us make a daily pay.we shouldn't just jump into any business but we should only do a business that people are interested in getting the goods or services at any point of time.please sir or ma have an idea on how to make money.
3.KNOW HOW TO LOVE: It hurts to see  youths of  jumping from one lady to the other.I expect that anyone that is above 20 should be searching for a good husband or wife.i would be saying the plain truth and that is that there is a lady for every man and a man for every lady.We should learn to love just one and not share our love with millions of lady out there.sincerely many destiny has been taken away as a result of sleeping around.guys we should learn to stick to just a lady that would really help us in making it quickly.
4.LEARN TO SAVE: It hurts to see that so many youths of nowadays dont know how to save.what am i saying?Many finish their pay as soon as they get them.Majority of corpers would continue to be stranded after their service year since they never saved during their service year.guys we should learn to save at least 10% of every income we make at any point of time.It is not for now,but it is for the future use.guys lets learn to would so much help us when we start our own family.
5.DRESS DECENTLY: I see some so called graduates that dress anyhow leaving majority of their bodies opened.Guys as a graduate or willing to be graduates,we should dress decently.It is widely said that if you dress well you would be addressed well.guys dressing well is extremely important.
6.BE ABLE TO PAY THE BILLS OF AT LEAST A PERSON: It is kind of  funny but sincerely, it is just the plain truth.Every willing to be father or mother must be able to pay the bills of at least a is you catering for another.A salient  point i would want everyone to know is that any job we do that isn't able to cater for us isn't a good job and we should quit it and search for a better one.we must learn before we attain the age of 30 how to cater for at least a person because it would help us when we start to run our own families.
 7.LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE: I would be blunt inhere by saying," no one would be able to carry any RESPONSIBILITIES if he or she is not RESPONSIBLE".We must learn to take up responsibilities when the need arises at every point of time.We don't have to put any blame on anyone at any point  for our mistakes, but we should be positive in  every situation.guys lets be responsible at every point of time.
8. HAVE QUALITY BOOKS THAT WOULD HELP YOU DEVELOP BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY:I Could remember that it was just a book that i read that changed my way of thinking.What i am saying is that we should learn to read diverse books because they would be going extra miles to help us think at every point of time.Books about careers,marriages,health,success etc would help us to develop our mental reasoning and be better fellows in life.
9.HAVE TABLE MANNERS: I got to know a successful person today that got to fail a final test of an exam just because he dipped the bread he was given into a stew.guys having table manner is extremely important because we never may know where we would be finding ourselves in the nearest future.So guys we should always learn to be mannered when eating.
10. DRAW CLOSER TO GOD:We should or must know that without GOD, there is no success in life that would be attainable. We should learn to love GOD at every point of our lives because, he got the easiest and fastest plan for us to achieve success.guys if we do this 10 THINGS,I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT SUCCESS IS GOING TO BE EXTREMELY EASY FOR US AS A YOUTH.EMPOWER YOURSELF WITH THIS STEPS AS A YOUTH ALWAYS.

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